Saturday 15 September 2012

Disturbing lack of common sense - Citizen Khan

Recently a lot of folks I know have been complaining about the BBC comedy, Citizen Khan. For those of you who don’t know, Citizen Khan is a ‘comedy set in Birmingham following the trials and tribulations of Mr Khan and his family’. Essentially like Eastenders for Asians, but funny.

The main complaint? They make fun of Pakistani/Asian culture, which is ‘racist’, and they treat religion lightheartedly – Because NO Muslim would ever have the laissez-faire attitude towards their religion that this comedy describes. And that’s fine, you’re all welcome to your opinion, I’m not asking you to conform to mine and enjoy the show. My main problem is firstly, the amount of butt-hurt comments the BBC is receiving over the ‘inappropriateness’ of the show, secondly when people decide to shove their opinion down my throat and thirdly, the hypocrisy of it all.

Allow me to explain. This show that you’re all taking offence over? It’s a SATIRE. A light hearted comedy for people to laugh at. It’s SUPPOSED to be ridiculous and over the top and poke fun at cultural differences. But it isn’t racist, and I’ll tell you why. There is absolutely nothing in that show that isn’t already true, and if you think there is, you’re just lying to yourself. I’m not saying every single person has every single ‘flaw’ (for lack of a better word) that the Khan family portrays, not at all. But each of us will identify with at least some aspect of it. My mum for example loves a good bargain! And so what? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Yes we do tease her for it sometimes, but it’s a cultural stereotype isn’t it, and that’s what this show is full of, stereotypes!

‘But that’s not what we’re like, people will get a bad impression of us’. The multiculturalism of Britain means that everyone will have known/knows/will know at least one Asian person in their lifetime - you are seriously insulting their intelligence if you think that anyone will watch this show and automatically assume that all Asians are exactly like that. You watch Eastenders, do you assume that all your Caucasian friends own a pub and run down the road screaming ‘RICKYYYYYYY’ in a chavvy accent? I thought not.

And the fact of the matter is, there are many Muslims who take the back seat when it comes to religion. I’m not saying it’s you, but it might be someone you know. Because people like that do exist, and the show has chosen to highlight the fact that these people exist. You cannot be upset by their portrayal of real people surely? Because not every Muslim follows the Quran and Hadith 100%. Yes, many of them do their best, and that is very admirable. But there are also just as many that don’t bother, and that is their choice entirely. One show’s portrayal of those people will not mean that your sense of religion is questioned, by any means. You may know Christians or Jews that don’t really follow their religion at all, but does that mean you’ll judge every Christian or Jew by the precedent that the non-religious people set? No. If it really bothers you that much, improve your own life and religion before you complain about others. You cannot point your finger and say ‘its people like that who make all the rest of us look bad’. Really? So it wasn’t you I saw attempting to run your mother in law over? (Yes, that was an exaggerated example, lighten up)

Again, I am NOT saying that everyone is like this, I’m just giving a few examples of people that I have heard complain about this topic, when I know for a fact that they behave in a very similar way themselves. But they’re not famous or on TV so no one will judge them and apparently they think it’s ok to be hypocritical. The real fact of the matter is, this show has hit too close to home for some people and so they’re lashing out. If you were truly nothing like what’s portrayed in the show and happy with your own take on religion, you wouldn’t care about this show at all - you might even enjoy the laughs.

Then there are the people who think their kids will be negatively influenced by this. Firstly, parents tend to grossly underestimate their kids’ intelligence. Honestly, your child CAN understand the difference between a satirical comedy show and real life, sometimes better than the parents. They are more influenced by their home environment than what they see on TV, because they know that it’s not real life. Your blind panic about this affecting your children is sometimes quite obviously your parental insecurity, over the shortcomings of their upbringing. If you are confident that you gave your children the right religious and cultural upbringing, you would have no problem in letting them watch the show because you’d be assured that your children will know that what they see on the TV isn’t the same as what they’ve been taught by you.

So chill out, take a step back and just enjoy the (cheap) laughs the show provides. If it’s really not your thing, don’t watch it, there are many other things on too. But why increase your stress levels worrying about something that truly isn’t the end of the world? No one is asking you to watch and if you don’t watch, you don’t have any complaints J

And please note that this is all my own opinion, I’m not asking you to agree with everything I’ve written. If you identify yourself with any of the people I’ve written about though, please do give thought to what I’ve said. You’re more than welcome to share your own opinion with me and I respect that. At the end of the day, these are all our own thoughts, and none of them are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – it’s all about how we as individuals perceive things J

1 comment:

  1. I've never watched the show, but the stereotyping thing reminded me of comedian Russell Peters, who highlights and jokes about near enough every race and religion during his shows. The people who laugh most at say, the 'white people' stuff, are generally the white people, because like you rightly said above, we either do those things, or know someone who does. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason and making some light-hearted jokes about a stereotype shouldn't cause offence. So I totally agree with this entire post.
